Minimum Surface Casing Requirements
Minimum surface casing requirements for protecting fresh and usable water and to meet alternate #1 on Intent to Drill cards, Form C-1
S=Section, T=Township, R=Range
Douglas County
Wells deeper than 1500 feet and using Alternate I completion set a minimum surface casing of 20 feet into the Kansas City Group in T.12S-R.21E; T.13S-R.20 and 21E; T.14 and 15S-R.17, 18, 19, 20 and 21E; 20 feet into the Lansing Group in T.13S-R.18 and 19E; 250 feet in all other areas, excepting the following. Set to the following elevations if within one mile of the nearest valley wall of Wakarusa or Kansas River in:
- T.11S-R.17E, set to 750 feet mean sea level
- T.11 and 12S-R.18E, set to 735 feet m.s.l.
- T.11 and 12S-R.19E, set to 720 feet m.s.l.
- T.12 and 13S-R.20E, set to 710 feet m.s.l.
- T.12 and 13S-R.21E, set to 700 feet m.s.l.
All other wells shall be completed using Alternate II, Appendix B, area 3, Eastern Surface Casing order. In all cases, set surface casing through all unconsolidated material plus 20 or more feet into the underlying formation.
For areas in which casing settings are given as sea level datums, topographic maps are available showing surface elevations. These maps may be obtained from the U.S. Geological Survey at Denver, Colorado; Rolla, Missouri and Washington, D.C.; and the State Geological Survey, Lawrence, Kansas.