Minimum Surface Casing Requirements

Minimum surface casing requirements for protecting fresh and usable water and to meet alternate #1 on Intent to Drill cards, Form C-1
S=Section, T=Township, R=Range

Graham County

In all except the special area identified below, cement surface pipe through the Dakota formation plus 50 feet into the underlying formation. The following options are open:

(a) cement surface pipe through the Dakota plus 50 feet into the underlying formation or
(b) cement surface pipe through all unconsolidated material plus 50 feet below the base of the Dakota to the surface.

If (b) is used and the hole is dry, refer to K.A.R. 82-3-114.

Within those areas of Township 7 South and 8 South of Range 21 West below surface elevation 2000 feet, the following large surface pipe or 8 5/8 inch surface pipe systems may be used. If the large surface pipe is used, surface pipe of at least 13 3/8 inches in diameter shall be cemented through all unconsolidated material plus a minimum of 20 feet into the underlying formation with a minimum of 40 feet being used. Then the options are:

(a) set intermediate pipe to the Stone Corral (Anhydrite) and cement from the Stone Corral to surface or
(b) cement the production string from the Anhydrite to surface immediately after it has been set.

If (b) is used and the hole is dry, plug per K.A.R. 82-3-114.

If the 8 5/8 inch surface pipe system is used, it will be set and cemented through all unconsolidated material plus a minimum of 20 feet into the underlying formation. A blowout preventor will be installed on the surface pipe. If serious flow problems occur, the hole will be plugged per K.A.R. 82-3-114. If the hole is completed and production pipe installed, cement the production string from the Stone Corral to surface immediately after it has been set. If the hole is dry, plug immediately per K.A.R. 82-3-114.

If Alternate II is used in the above listed special area, follow the procedure outlined in K.A.R. 82-3-106. The option for 120 days to complete cementing is not available and the operator should cement production casing from the Stone Corral to surface immediately.