News Release

For more information contact: Linda Berry, KCC Director of Public Affairs (785) 271-3269

February 6, 2025

KCC schedules public hearing and comment period on Evergy’s
request to recover costs for new gas plants and solar facility

TOPEKA - The Kansas Corporation Commission (KCC) has scheduled a virtual public hearing beginning at 6 p.m. on March 5th to provide Evergy Kansas customers across the state with information about three proposed new generation investments (two combined cycle gas-fired generating turbine plants and one solar facility). One gas plant would be located near Evergy’s Viola Substation in Sumner County and the second near Hutchinson in Reno County. The Kansas Sky solar facility would be located in Douglas County. The Commission will also provide an opportunity for public comments during the hearing.

Evergy filed an application with the KCC requesting a predetermination of the prudency of the investments and whether the company would be entitled to recover the costs of the investments and under what terms. Evergy has asked to recover the cost of construction work in progress (CWIP) and in a future rate proceeding will ask for recovery of the investments after they are in service, which is expected at the end of 2026 for the solar facility and 2029 and 2030 for the gas plants.

To participate in the virtual hearing via Zoom and make a public comment, advance registration is required by noon on March 4. For persons wishing to watch, but not comment during the public hearing, a live video stream will be available on the YouTube channel. The hearing will also be recorded for later viewing.

In addition to the hearing, the Commission will accept written comments through 5 p.m. on April 7. Comments may be submitted online, by mail or by calling the KCC at 785-271-3140 or 800-662-0027.

To register for the virtual hearing, make a public comment online or find additional information on the application, go to the Commission’s website ( and click on the “Your Opinion Matters” tab.

The Commission will issue an order on the application on or before July 7, 2025.