About the Conservation Division
The mission of the Kansas Corporation Commission Conservation Division is to protect natural resources and correlative rights. This is done in part by preventing waste and by enforcing regulations that provide guidelines of producing resources efficiently. K.S.A. 55-152 gives the Conservation Division authority to write regulations.
The Central Office of the Conservation Division is located in Wichita. Its activities and permitting include:
- Gas gathering;
- Intent-to-drill;
- Seismic activities;
- Legal proceedings;
- UIC-class II wells;
- Well record library;
- Cathodic protection wells;
- Licensing-financial assurance; and
- Management of the Abandoned Well Plugging Program.
The District Offices of the Conservation Division are located in Dodge City, Wichita, Chanute, and Hays. Their field activities include:
- Lease inspections;
- Rotary Drill Pit inspections;
- Witness production tests;
- Oversight of well plugging;
- Oversight of remediation cases;
- Investigation of oil & brine spills;
- Witness tests on injection wells; and
- Management of the Underground Porosity Gas Storage Program.
Additional responsibilities of the Conservation Division include:
- Well inventory;
- Electronic well logs;
- Compressed air energy storage;
- Remediation site specific planner; and
- Carbon dioxide sequestration.
For more information, contact the Conservation Division.