Abandoned Well Plugging Salvage Opportunities

oil field salvage materials

The Kansas Corporation Commission’s Abandoned Well Plugging department has teamed up with GOVDEALS.COM auction services to liquidate remaining salvage equipment following the completion of Abandoned Well Plugging projects. Since the establishment of the Abandoned Oil and Gas Well/Site Remediation fund in 1996, the KCC has devoted all necessary resources to the identification, plugging, and site remediation of all abandon well locations throughout the state.

The sale proceeds from this equipment will be deposited back into the Abandoned Oil and Gas Well/Site Remediation fund to help offset previous/future abandoned well plugging costs. To ensure equal opportunity, equipment is auctioned off to the highest bidder using a sealed bid process. Salvage equipment and location will vary. All equipment condition is sold “as is."

To be notified when Abandoned Well Salvage becomes available, contact us at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Current Salvage Postings 

Click here to view the following listings:

  • 1 Lot Oil Field Equipment (D3-P2 Osage #7)
    Location: Gridley, Kansas, USA
  • 1 Lot Oil Field Equipment (D3-P2 Wilson)
    Location: Hartford, Kansas, USA
  • 1 Lot Oil Field Equipment (D3-P2 J Birk)
    Location: Gridley, Kansas, USA
  • 1 Lot Oil Field Equipment (D3-P2 Johnson 2)
    Location: Gridley, Kansas, USA
  • 1 Lot Oil Field Equipment (D3-P2 Allen - Birk)
    Location: Gridley, Kansas, USA
  • 1 Lot Oil Field Equipment (D3-P2 Lingenfelter)
    Location: Gridley, Kansas, USA

District Map

district map

District #1 includes: Barber, Clark, Comanche, Edwards, Finney, Ford, Grant, Gray, Greeley, Hamilton, Haskell, Hodgeman, Kearny, Kiowa, Lane, Meade, Morton, Ness, Pawnee, Pratt, Rush, Scott, Seward, Stafford, Stanton, Stevens, and Wichita.

District #2 includes: Butler, Chase, Clay, Cloud, Cowley, Dickinson, Ellsworth, Geary, Harper, Harvey, Jewell, Kingman, Lincoln, Marion, Marshall, McPherson, Mitchell, Morris, Ottawa, Reno, Republic, Rice, Riley, Saline, Sedgwick, Sumner, and Washington.

District #3 includes: Allen, Anderson, Atchison, Bourbon, Brown, Chautauqua, Cherokee, Coffey, Crawford, Doniphan, Douglas, Elk, Franklin, Greenwood, Jackson, Jefferson, Johnson, Labette, Leavenworth, Linn, Lyon, Miami, Montgomery, Nemaha, Neosho, Osage, Pottawatomie, Shawnee, Wabaunsee, Wilson, Woodson, and Wyandotte.

District #4 includes: Barton, Cheyenne, Decatur, Ellis, Gove, Graham, Logan, Norton, Osborne, Phillips, Rawlins, Rooks, Russell, Sheridan, Sherman, Smith, Thomas, Trego, and Wallace.

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