UIC Assessments

On December 2, 1985, the Commission issued an Order which changes Underground Injection Control (UIC) assessments. Please note the revised fee schedule as follows:

Salt Water DisposalFee
Initial Application $ 200.00
Design Approval Application 200.00
  Amendment to Increase Maximum Injection Rate or Pressure 100.00
  Amendment to Decrease Maximum Injection Rate or Pressure n/c
  Amendment to Change Well Construction 100.00
  Amendment to Add or Delete Leases Supplying Salt Water n/c
Enhanced RecoveryFee
Initial Application $ 200.00
  Each additional well greater than 1000 feet in depth 100.00 (per well)
  Each additional well less than 1000 feet in depth 50.00 (per well)
Design Approval Application 200.00
  *Amendment to add a well greater than 1000 feet in depth 100.00 (per well)
  *Amendment to add a well less than 1000 feet in depth 50.00 (per well)
  *Amendment to Increase Maximum Injection Rate or Pressure 100.00
  Amendment to Decrease Maximum Injection Rate or Pressure n/c
  *Amendment to Change Well Construction 100.00
  Amendment to Add or Delete Leases Supplying Salt Water n/c
*If any two of these changes are made at the same time, the assessment will be the higher fee.  

Fees must accompany all UIC Applications at the time of filing. Incomplete applications will not be processed until complete or until fee payment is made.

If you have any questions in this regard, please do not hesitate to contact the Conservation Division, UIC Staff at (316) 337-6200.