Utility & Weatherization Related Assistance Programs in South Central Kansas
Utility Bill Assistance
- Low-income Energy Assistance Program (LIEAP) is a federal program administered by the Kansas Department for Children and Families, which helps eligible Kansans pay a portion of their home's utility costs by providing a one-time per year benefit; benefit levels may vary. See their website (http://www.dcf.ks.gov/services/ees/Pages/EnergyAssistance.aspx) for additional information or call 1-800-432-0043.
- Kansas Association of Community Action Programs: https://www.kacap.org/
- United Way 2-1-1 helps Kansans locate utility assistance programs. Call "211" toll-free or visit
https://211kansas.myresourcedirectory.com/index.php to see what assistance programs are available in your area.
- The Salvation Army administers utility assistance programs throughout the state, including the following programs in Kansas:
- Share the Warmth: operated by the Salvation Army Kansas & Western Missouri in 81 counties served by Kansas Gas Service to Kansans with a gross family income at or below 200% of the poverty level guideline. Call the toll-free hotline: 1-816-756-5392 ext. 2.
- Sharing the Warmth: operated by the Salvation Army Kansas & Western Missouri in 33 counties served by Atmos Energy to Atmos customers with a gross family income at or below 200% of the poverty level guideline. Call the toll-free hotline: 1-816-756-5392 ext 4.
- HeatShare: operated by the Salvation Army Kansas & Western Missouri in Kansas counties served by Black Hills Energy, as well as Butler Rural Electric and the City of Altamont, which provides financial assistance, counseling, and referrals to other utility funding sources. Dial 211 to be directed to services in your area.
- Project DESERVE is a program administered by The Center of Hope in partnership with Evergy Energy that provides emergency financial assistance to pay Evergy Energy bills to those over age 65 or those who are receiving disability income or who meet the Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) guidelines of 30% of the Federal Adjusted Income Limits.
- Up to $300 (one-time payment annually) for households with children or adults with severe disability (meeting Social Security disability criteria) and older (over 60) adults; and
- Up to $100 (one-time payment annually) for income-eligible individuals. If you think you might be eligible for Project DESERVE assistance, please contact Center of Hope at 316-267-3999 or call Evergy Energy at (800) 383-1183.
- Kansas Gas Service has a website page that enables users to search (by City) for assistance agencies that "may have limited or no funds available" (https://www.kansasgasservice.com/media/KGS/community-assist-agencies/KansasCommunityAssistanceAgencies.pdf).
- Midwest Energy has information about financial assistance on their website (https://www.mwenergy.com/residential/payments-billing/financial-assistance)
- Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Wichita offers utility assistance in 25 counties in southeastern Kansas (http://www.catholiccharitieswichita.org/services/southeast-kansas-services").
- Barton County Emergency Aid Council: For emergency help with rent and utilities call 620-793-3345.
- Churches United in Ministries: This interfaith social service assist individuals and families by providing down-payments on homes, assistance with utility bills and vouchers for food and clothing. Call 620-241-8331 or visit https://stjosephmcpherson.com/parish-life/charitable-services/42-churches-united-in-ministry-42.
- Community Action Partnership-Housing & Community Services: Services include referrals to other community agencies which can build upon each person/family's unique strengths and address needs. Call 316-462-3700 or visit https://www.wichita.gov/1284/About-Us.
Weatherization Assistance
- Kansas Weatherization Assistance Program is a federal program, administered by the Kansas Housing Resources Corporation, which provides weatherization services to income-eligible Kansas. These services may involve installation of air-sealing and thermal envelope measures, such as caulking around windows and doors, adding insulation to attics, walls, ceilings, foundations, and cleaning, testing, and repairs to refrigerators and heating and cooling equipment. Call 785-264-4814 or visit their website (https://kshousingcorp.org/renters/weatherization-assistance/).
- The City of Wichita offers loan programs for emergency home repairs (such as plumbing, heating, electrical and roof replacement) and several other loan programs for repairs and rehabilitation. Call 316-462-3713 for more information.
Other Assistance Programs
- The Citizen's Utility Ratepayer Board (CURB) hosts a Quick Reference List for Utility Assistance Programs on their website (https://curb.kansas.gov/consumer_assistance.php), which is updated annually.